High Altitude Ballooning is a great way to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers, who perhaps will be part of the ever growing space industry. For example the UK space industry is worth £14 billion, cornering about 7% of the global space market.
A near-space project isn’t just for the geeks; everyone in the school can get involved, whether it’s making a video of the launch, putting together a project newsletter, building the payload container, planning the project or fund-raising by calling local companies or making and selling items.
Time for extra-curricula projects can be in short supply, so if you feel you need help getting the project started so the available time is used efficiently, please do get in touch via email – dave@daveakerman.com
Or, to see some of the school and educational projects I’ve been involved with, click this link.
Hi Dave
I have recently been to Picademy and was totally inspired. I have now come back to school where I have been for a total of 8 weeks. We are a state all-girl’s school in the heart of Leicester City. I am now so excited about potential Raspberry Pi projects that I am forming a Key Stage 3 “Digital Leaders” group and we would like to prepare a project around launching a Raspberry Pi into space with a camera. I understand you could potentially help?
If so, please get contact and we look forward to speaking to you soon.
Lucy Stone
Hi Dave
Im really impressed by the pi balloon. I’m sitting here with my 4 home schooled children and they are asking me to contact you to ask whether you would be interested in mentoring us so we could copy your project.
We would be prepared to pay a fee for your time.
Please let me know.
Good morning Dave,
I am apart of a small homeschooling community. We are apart of NASA’s tech rise student challenge,
In which we will send a payload to 70,000ft, along with some other schools. I just wondering if you had any advice to offer us? Any information is helpful. I specifically was wondering how you shield the raspberry pi from temperature and cosmic rays, if they have much effect. Thank you for your time, even if you do not help.
Thank you, and good evening.
Evan R